RIP Prince

Prince is dead, unfortunately, but at least I was reminded of how much I dig his music.
If you have a stereo, now would be the time to blast it.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Cool pics of nothing?

Beauty and the Beast

I see a thousand metaphors here.

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

How Much Longer are we going to put off a new Southside/ Peninsula corridor?

  This really sickens me. Here I am, riding the brake, doing a slick 3 mph across the Willoughby bridge. On top of a broken AC and the lack of a 2 55 breeze, I've already lost about an hour and 15 minutes tonight because of cleaning inside of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel. It's 11 p.m. On a Thursday.

      I have been sitting in this traffic since 9:40. The sign says RIGHT LANE CLOSED FOR CLEANING. Apparently they are cleaning one/half of the 64 WEST tube. GREAT!         Raise your hand if you believe it's a good idea to start at this hour with this many people still on the roads. Who would give them permission to do that? If your job is to clean the inside of the tunnel don't you think it'd be a litle bit smarter to wait until about 1 o'clock in the morning to begin? Why at this hour? Who's convenience is this for? 5,000 Westbound people are losing one hour each, right at this moment because the 10 people  cleaning the tunnel couldn't wait a couple of hours? I would be very interested to hear the reasoning behind this decision. And you would think that once this 6 mile backup was discovered, 5,000 people sitting idle, that they would get the hell out of the tunnel and let everybody go through. Right? But they haven't. Is President Obama on his way to inspect the Godliness of our tunnel tiles?He'd better be,  I've  been crawling for nearly two hours now. What if I happen to have an emergency at home ? What if my wife is waiting on me to bring her insulin?       She is.        Had I known it was going to be like this: I would have brought my canoe.
   The guys on this road crew must be very important people indeed, because they apparently command a lot more respect than 5000 of us try to get home. Someone is mighty scared to inconvenience these guys and their sponges!

    Now as I come across the other side it appears we aren't alone ,there's another 3000 people trying to go east! Good job,VDOT! I'm not sure who's in charge but whatever confidence I've had in VDOT, is nearly gone. Someone is not very good at their job. Just saying. Even I could have scheduled this better. I guarantee traffic volume would have been cut by three times if they would have waited a few more hours.
I'm sure that I could find more important things to bitch about but I use the HRBT 3 times a week, and I get stuck in traffic 2 out of 3 trips. That's a lot of lost productivity! Trust me, things r going to get worse. It's going to take years to build or expand the crossing and we have not even begun yet?


Thursday, July 10, 2014

4th of July 2015?

The 4th of July Weekender!!

     Better late than never! This site is pretty new and as with anything new, we have had our share of technical issues. I get faster and faster at relining things but, it still inconveniences everyone. For that, BuckroeBeachLiviving apologizes.  We had a massive server error, lost alot of data, and didn't get to post the 4th of July raffle winners until now. 

Are we ready to raffle off some stuff!!!

Winner 1;      Ticket 397756           wins FREE PARKING  for the remainder of the summer 2014.
                                                          Text 757 597 8086  You will be provided a parking space, with your name on it! Use it throughout the summer. It's yours to do as you please, you may transfer it, loan it, sell it, rent it. Whatever you want. BUT>>>> You must contact me before JULY 24th. 


Don't Drive Into A Ditch, Park Here!


 "Don't drive into a ditch, Park here $5!!" My kids screamed over and over like carnies.                                            " We don't have any ditches over here!"

  A few minutes before, that rear tire was nearly 2 foot in the air and the driver had his manual pulled out looking for instructions for engaging the 4wd. 
     No injuries. Not a DUI. The cops didn't even tow him. He was eventually pulled out by another truck just like his, setting the tone for a beautiful weekend. 
The larger than expected crowd brought in a doubling of Police efforts and instead of cancelling each other out, the fit hit the shan! It should have ended up differently.  Should have, but didn't. There was an issue or two. Buckroe Beach  was supposed to be prepared for anything this 4th of July weekend. Tornadoes, rabies, HIV, Hurricane Arthur, maybe.
     Park management seemed to ignore the potential draw of the audience,and the lengths that we would go through for a good time.
    Thousands of people showed up for the Fort Monroe fireworks that have always provided awesome viewing from Buckroe Beach.but before anyone could get settled onto the sand,  Thousands of people were kicked off minutes before the first explosion lit the sky! The Ft. Monroe show has apparantly changed from a high-horizon show which can be seen for miles, to a low-horizon show that requires viewers to be much closer. Last year, we were kicked off of the beach due to stray debris dropping on the heads of viewers, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this must be the reasoning. Until I heard about a shooting. Wtf! I don't know if it's true but I do know that 20 minutes after the park was shut down, that 4 HPD cars with bluelights flashing screamed past my house on 2nd st. and Buckroe Ave. My 3 kids were 10 ft from the road and so were the 4 kids of my neighbor. Screamed past my house!   My wife was frantic and the kids were scooped up into the house. Crazy.

        But, on with the show.

We did end up with a full lot, 

Corvettes and Mustangs and even a......Pink Toyota?
My favorite car of the weekend. Victoria and her Mom. 

Nice shaping and beautiful paint. 
I'm as chauvinist as the next guy,but I can't think of anything bad to say.   She found a ride and made it her own . Ambition and drive are hard to come by these days! Women like this are for marrying!