RIP Prince

Prince is dead, unfortunately, but at least I was reminded of how much I dig his music.
If you have a stereo, now would be the time to blast it.

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Implosion of America

The Implosion of America by Dennis Pulley


       The rise and fall of great civilizations are
recorded by hashmarks on the timeline of world history, what goes up, must come
down and I never expected America to be any different but I'm pretty
disappointed in our willingness to hasten the death and the efficiency in
which we do so. We're going out like the proverbial frog relaxing in a pot of
slowly boiling water. Stupidly and with eyes wide open.  Most of us are quite aware of the cause of
our impending doom, but we choose to keep quiet, steady the boat and remain
politically correct in public, but in the privacy of our own  kitchen tables we raise the hammer of
righteousness in one hand and extend the finger of blame with the other. If
you're not outraged, then you're probably the guy we bitch about. America will
fall from within by those that ride the backs of others and the boom of our
silence as we spectate. There is a growing culture of those that take advantage
of the system and a great divide has opened up among our own people. Americans
no longer ask what they can do for their country; our flag is constantly flown
overnight and in the rain and the Star Spangled Banner fails to bring the lump
to the throats of it's people. Very few of us sacrifice at all for the good of
country because we are too busy trying to get over when we can before someone
else takes it. Welfare fraud is at an all time high among those that are poor
but not quite poor enough, and keeping pace, fraud in the banks and on Wall
Street by those that are already rich but not rich enough. Are we all happy? Is
this really what we have allowed our country to be reduced to? Do you remember
how much was sacrificed by our forefathers? What would they say? What would
your grandfathers say if they saw this?
      Undeserved disability claims, food stamps
that you could live without, Section 8 housing subsidies, mortgage fraud,
insider trading, 100 million dollar salaries for corporate officers that pay
their employees minimum wage. You know who you are and you're killing our
country. The middle class loves America and we're fast figuring out that the
Upper and Lower classes depend on us, but we don't need you for anything!
Real life depends upon productivity and it's time for a corporate split.
You do you and we'll do us!

      Bring on the shantytowns! Americans', up
until now, have lacked the stomach for visible poverty and for too long, we
have spent money we couldn't afford to combat this epidemic. In 1933 President
Roosevelt put forth the New Deal as a way for Americas' poor to pull themselves
above the poverty line. Unfortunately, as time went on, these social programs
became a way of life for some and for political reasons alone, they've never
been reformed. Now, we have an entire population of those that take advantage
of the welfare system and teach their sons and daughters the same way of life
and the rest of the country is sick of it. A reasonable limit on these benefits
is soon coming and those that don't conform will no longer be the burden of
John Q. Taxpayer. The government will have to part with vast tracts of land for
the homeless to settle on and the productive citizens must get used to it.
People will die, but America will grow stronger just by drawing that
line. There is no way around this. Our survival depends upon it. 2 + 2 + 4 and
this outcome is just as definite.

     Reform won't be easy but it will remove
the main dividing factor
in our society. You go without if you don't pitch in.
That is a universal truth. Now, I'm not against helping those whom the programs
were designed for. The truly needy. For 1 year only. If you can't find a
job in a year, the government will offer you one. Federal and State Governments
employ huge numbers of people to do everything from picking up trash to
engineering bridges. As a taxpayer, I pay for DMV agents, Police officers,
Sanitation workers and I see no reason to give away money. Welfare recipients
are already being paid, why not offer a career? This is the spirit of
State Aid! A paycheck to those that need it most.If you are healthy enough to
sit on your couch and watch T.V., I promise I can fit you for a job that
benefits your country. Of course, there will be those that we have to write
off. Those that just refuse to pull their own weight. That's what the
shantytowns are for. America must to look someone right in the eyes and
say "Tough titties! We've given you many chances and you haven't done your
part. Good bye." The same holds true with the health insurance reform. Why
should I pay double for my health insurance and some pay absolutely
Ashes, Ashes, We all fall down.

These abusers use the E.R. as a Primary Care Physician and never pay 
the bill. Health insurance rates have got to cover these things, health care
is, after all, a business. Americans must be willing to allow people to
die due to their decision not to purchase a health insurance plan. These
people will take advantage  of the rest
of us for as long as we allow them to do so. It's time to nut up, America!


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