RIP Prince

Prince is dead, unfortunately, but at least I was reminded of how much I dig his music.
If you have a stereo, now would be the time to blast it.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Hell Yeah, I want some metal detecting sandals!!!!

                                                               It's a terrible shame but these have been discontinued! Not cool!  I haven't been able to find out why, but I can guess!! Lost coin at the beach is BIG BUSINESS!! For decades the employees of Parks and Recreation have been digging up our lost riches to pay for their speedos and bar tabs. They practically consider our losses as their summer bonus. Aren't our tax dollars good enough?! Why do they need it so bad? College degrees aren't required on Baywatch. They don't need shirt money, and free breast implants are a google click away.

No sir, they don't. The American beachgoer is being hornswaggled. Have you ever been saved by a Lifeguard? Me neither! We owe nothing!

Breaking news!!

     I have recently been informed that a group of people with decent abs have just retained a Congressional lobbying group to argue the legality of selling sandals such as these to the general public and I know for a fact, that they paid in change. Fight the Power! Down with the Man and We're not going to take it anymore!

      What do we want? Metal detecting sandals!

When do we want them? Now!
    X-ray specs. Pretty self explanatory. I've seen these ads all sorts of pre-teen and young teen magazines. Cracked, MAD and even Boy's Life. X-ray Specs or goggles GUARANTEED to see through clothing and/walls. Usually right next to the Hovercraft ads. Like ny boy, I would have done nearly anything for a pair of these    but    they don't work !                                        
So sorry. BUT.......
Kodak DID produce a particular filter that, along with the right lighting conditions, made the light clothing of a subject, pretty translucent. It was pulled as they had an image to protect. DISCONTINUED.

Top 5 Beach Shelters, Easy to Buy, Easy to Carry.


$19.92!!!! UVB-UVA
This is the ezSHADE SUN SHEILD

                                                  (EASY TO BUY AND EASY TO CARRY)

This is $50!!! But check it out now!

$56.62 and free shipping
TexSport Beach Shelter
The Best Value!
Lightspeed Quick Canopy
     This is $72.00 and Straight Pimp!!!

 This is cool. 54" X 52" X 90"

$89.95 Skincom Solartent Premium
  This is definitely a favorite of mine.

   These easy carry shelters can really change your beach going experience...
       Even the heaviest one weighs less than 10 lbs and and becomes your "homebase" at the beach. Buckroe seems to be late catching on because I see very few of these set up. It does make it more difficult to lose children, because they can find you by quickly scanning the beach. I would bring track shoes. Those short little legs  can't catch me!!



   I apologize for the lateness in posting the winning numbers…

      my excuses are lame so I won’t bother. Forgive me?


ticket no. 


    If you have this ticket, contact me right here or email me with a picture of the ticket at  by the 7th of JUNE.

   CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have won a pretty sweet prize. A parking spot in the front of N. 2ND St. PARKING and we’ll even put your name on it!

   Make sure to claim your prize. If not claimed by JUNE 7th, the spot will be up for raffle again on JUNE 8th!


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend at Buckroe

 Raffle to be held on Tuesday the 27th...

  Thank you and good luck.

Going to sleep.
I don't mess with dragons. Invisible or otherwise.

N. 2ND St. Parking

Early Parkers

The municipal lot filled by noon

N. 2ND St and Buckroe Ave.

Jacob kisses the grill goodnight!

Yoder Dairy

Sucks to be this kids brother!

My yard!

Still my yard.


haha! Birthday haircut for Jakezilla!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Buckroe Beach Reggae Fest and it's Impications


a true fan!

 as Buckroe finds itself with record crowds while hosting The 4th Annual Reggae Fest yesterday. PARKING SPACE was the only  issue as the municipal overflow lot had runneth over by 12:30 or so and the on-street parking was not far behind .  Buckroe has 2 pay lots, 2ND st. PARKING(where all the cool people were parked) and an as of now,  unnamed lot on the same corner and together ,provide less than a hundred additional spaces. There simply wasn't enough room. And it didn't help that the overflow lot had about 75 of it's spots gobbled by mud and deemed unusable. Every available piece of real estate large enough to park a car on ,was full, from First St. to Fifth St. From Reynold's to Salt Ponds was gone,gone by 3:00.  By 8:00 the fields near Seaboard Ave. and Buckroe Ave. were nearly full. WOOO!!  Hampton's finest even shut down incoming traffic on Buckroe Ave, which made no sense and throttled business. It was still a good day for me but a bad day for those making that walk. 3/4 of a mile! That's 20 minutes of beating the street with Pat and Charley. Or Lefty and Righty if you prefer. Which is still less than half the time it took to drive it. Not even exaggerating. It took me 1 hour and 10 minutes to drive to 7-11 for cold beverages! NOT COOL. Buckroe and it's visitors seemed to take it all in stride as the Reggae Fest was a HIT! I have heard very few people complain. Yet. And I really hope they don't. You have to understand that the only data available was the prior attendance numbers and although I expected a 20% to 25% increase, which would have been rough but doable with existing protocols but I bet that the actual numbers show 175% increase!! WOW! It was definitely above and beyond the most extreme estimates and I can't blame anyone for that. Next year I plan to expand to shuttle service as needed. Or I'll rent out skateboards. Ha!


        Anyway..., I would really like to thank those parked @N. 2ND St. PARKING with patience, I absolutely APPRECIATE YOU ALL. Make sure you come back and rest assured that everything will smooth out as the summer progresses. 

       I am thankful for an incident-free weekend. NO INSURANCE CLAIMS WERE FILED WITH MY ADDRESS ON IT. And also that everyone conducted themselves as adults. I saw 0 fights, 0 arguments, 0 arrests. The Buckroe stereotype of 5 years ago is dead and the area is on the path to a great fiscal future, providing a better place for us to live, work and raise our families in and rebuilding the reputation of it's amusement park hayday. Beautiful.


 To show our customer appreciation, everyone that leased their bayview timeshare from  N. 2ND St. PARKING, on the corner of Buckroe Ave. and N. 2ND St. closest to the beach, was given a numbered ticket stub, the other half of that ticket has been thrown in a fishbowl totaling 61 entries. Pretty good odds!

  397741 is the winner of a WHAM-O Gripster Pro Boogie Board. 

 397740 is the winner of an IGLOO brand Beach-Cooler. 18x5x12 Insulated, Soft. Has pockets. Oh Yeah. It's PINK. 

 397752 is the winner of our consolation prize An 11-Function Pocket Knife with an LED Light and a Belt Holster. I actually sold a bunch of these on eBay and they're pretty cool!



Congratulations to our winners and Thank You to everyone with a ticket. Claim directions below. 
  Next week is a new raffle and another chance to win, We now have 2 free parking winners, Jeff, our very first winner and now , ticketholder 397748. I have plans to expand N. 2ND St. PARKING to the lot across the street and if I succeed, I will raffle FREE PARKING every week!

Aww ,   How Sweet!!

I didn't get the girls' name but the purple dog..that's Bentley.


I've either been married too long or I'm just STUPID
Add caption
2014 Reggae Fest
my son, Noah. He was offering free honeybuns with every sale!
Ha! Too Pimp for 12!

Winners of May 18th's Raffle may contact me at to claim your prize , if possible, attach a pic of the winning ticket and we will find a way to get it to you. TICKET MUST BE IN YOUR POSSESION TO CLAIM A PRIZE and ALL TICKETS ARE NON_TRANSFERABLE.

Dennis Pulley
Buckroe Beach Living
120 Buckroe Ave
Hampton, VA, 23664

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Beach pic

Reggae Fest 2014

This is the most traffic is beach has seen in 3 years. Movin on up like The Jeffersons. The reggae fest is a huge hit in Buckroe beach.

Tomorrow is the big day..

   Tomorrow is the first day of the Buckroe Beach Summer Car Parking season and ...

      And my oldest and I were out until 10 tonight cutting grass and lining out parking spots with lime. We're still a good deal from 100% ready but I am not afraid. I've decided to lean a tad more towards  preparation  than usual and I'm expecting a much less hectic process. Don't get me wrong, seat o' the pants has it's charm and I'm a big fan of it but, We ( meaning I) feel that the customer (meaning you) would be more comfortable entrusting property to a grown man without the Mickey Mouse ears and sarcastic signs. Just kidding. I only hardly ever wear Mickey Mouse ears in the summer. They look stupid with short pants!
    For those of you that parked with me last year, you may remember that there was another lot across the street biting my groove, well, that property is changing hands and will not be open for the Reggae Fest. Awww! ... I am actually in negotiations with some of the lot affiliates about leasing it for the summer but progress is slow. So, that makes us the only pay lot at the beach and cuts the available timeshares in half. Buckroe doesn't object to a monopoly does it? jk.
   Tomorrows' timeshare pricepoints (parking spots)   for 2ND st. PARKING are as follows but subject to change;

 30 spots or so.   Reserved spots will be leased at $8 and are good for 12 hours,  these allow you to come and go as you please without fear of losing your spot or paying additional charges. RESERVED. more or less. 

     First come, First served parking spots will be leased for $5 and good for 12 hours, BUT once you leave, will be leased to the next in line. 

         These 8' by 12'  2ND st. PARKING ,Buckroe Beachview Timeshare Leases (sounds better than parking spots) have sold out quickly both years prior, and without my competitor opening their gates, parking will be scarce     like unicorns and flying monkeys. The tow trucks will be hard core and the residents here do not  much patience for squatters. BE CAREFUL.
    The municipal lot fills quickly and drains slowly. Insurance claims are filed at EVERY event. 2ND St. PARKING includes security, customer service and even a restroom if you really, really need one. (women only) sorry . I also offer advice, directions, dog-sitting, carwashing,towel drying, valet and 2 kids that will sherpa for tips! Support small business.
    2ND St. PARKING is your one-stop community service station. 
You can reach me by e-mail with questions, comments and advice. 
   You can text me with parking issues at the number on your ticket stub. 


Thursday, May 15, 2014


His name is Ricky.
He is the Little Ceasars signholder here in Buckroe. You may not consider Ricky to be a an accomplished man, but I beg to differ. Hear me out. 

    We've all eaten pizza from a Little Ceasars and we've all seen the guys/girls that earn they're living bouncing signs. Have you judged them? Looked down on them? I have. But then I grew up. When I took this picture, I thought it might make for a funny post . I fully intended to cleverly caption the picture without a second thought because I do it all the time. I see something that strikes my funnybone and just roll with it. Manners be damned. Right? No. It's not right. I have kids and I need to be able to hold my head up.
       I think that that in this day and age we forget that people are people and we diminish their feats to make ourselves feel better. It wasn't so long ago that I was without a job at all and holding that sign,       well, holding that sign would have hotel'd my family up for another week and I would have proudly sold the hell out of some Little Ceasar's pizza,so, today, my hat is off to Ricky. The man who could have been replaced with a stick!!! Ricky impressed the upper management of a World-Wide, Fortune 500 company, that instead of stapling that same sign to a piece of wood and spiking it into the the ground, he was chosen to represent their product. That must be one hell of a resume!
   Ricky, of Little Ceasars in Buckroe , is Bukroe Beach Living's  Man o' the Month!!!
                  Congratulations and Thank You!

      If you see Ricky, make a point to make a point!